Every Tuesday@7:30PM, we have 'Chanting of Rama Raksha Strotam and Hanuman Chalisa' at Hanuman Sannidhi in S.V. Temple. I have a habit of doing 'Meditation' at that time
Experience 1 : On Tuesday, after Ekantha Seva around 9:15PM myself and one more volunteer were walking towards the car to go home. Suddenly we saw the SKY and noticed 'Hanuma has appeared in the cloud form and holding Sanjeevani in the hand'. Felt like Blessings from Hanuman
Experience 2: In the Month of Feb, Planned to bring '108 Betel leaves' to do archana for 4 Tuesday's. After 4th Week felt to continue the same initiative and transferred the ownership to others and it is happening now.
'Now it has become regular Tuesday practice in the Temple'
'Thanks to Hanuman for making these things to happen'
Is this Hanuman's plan and making us to execute ?
Experience 3: Have been getting a thoughts in front of Hanuman to prepare 'Pancha Harathi' and 'Kumba Harathi' every Tuesday. Some reason, could not executed for the 3 Weeks. To my surprise, on the 4th week Temple Kitchen Chef called me along with others asking can you please prepare 'Pancha Harathi'and 'Kumba Harathi' every Tuesday
Now it has become regular practice in the Temple 

Is this Hanuman plan and making us to execute ?
Always Hanuman gives me Highest energies,Blissfulness,
Joyfulness, Happy tears and didn't feel like speaking to anyone. Thanks to Hanuman for giving me such an Amazing Energy in just 30 minutes.