Monday, 10 August 2020

Prasadam Sharing Experiences - 1

8:40-9:00PM, EST

I have a habit of witnessing "Ekantha Seva" daily at S.V.Temple, Cary, NC (Sri Varu Sannidhi) at 8:40PM and obtained so many experiences every day. I would like to share one of the best moments.

@9:15PM - One of the festive day, the Ekantha Seva time has extended to 9:15 PM for Devotees Darshan. Once Darshan (Curtain) was closed, I was helping to close the temple Doors.

Suddenly, one of the Devotees came inside the temple and feeling disappointed for not having Sri Varu (Lord Balaji) Darshanam. I was clueless, started thinking of a way to make her happy. Once she stepped out of the temple, immediately noticed "Banana Prasadam" in my hand which was given by Priest.

Immediately called her and offered the same "Banana Prasadam" and I could see happiness in her eyes.

The next minute felt like, receiving more bananas as prasadam just by giving one Banana Prasadam to her. Amazing feeling and by giving to her I could also attained so much happines and which can not be expressed

Immediately remember this slogan, "Givers really are happier than takers"

Age old Concept : What goes around comes around

Happiness and happiness-related brain activity also went up when actually giving, the research team found, and left givers in a happier overall state than those who acted selfishly. Interestingly, relatively small acts of giving gave rise to just as big a happiness bump as bigger acts, the investigators said

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